Saturday, December 23, 2006

So why Blog

I've never been one to keep a journal. I've always wanted too. I guess I could never write as fast as my brain could talk. I'm kinda surprised it took me so long to start a blog, especially since IT used to be my profession. I guess I just need an outlet. I need to be able to vent, rant, ramble, etc. and I may find my posts interesting to read later on. Especially since my two little boys seem to be growing up so quickly. Maybe I'm blogging in attempt to document their childhood. In any case, here goes.....

A little about me right now. I'm 35. I'm married to hubby for just about 4 years (we've been together for 6 years). We have two boys, Louie is 2 and a half and John is just about 1. We have a very large, small pony of a dog named Baloo and an old-man crotchety, cranky 15 year old cat named Milo.

My hubby and I get along really well. We don't argue too often. My boys seem pretty well-adjusted, or however well adjusted as you can be at such a tender age. Louie picks up more words everyday and he is quite a flirt with the ladies. John is very slow physically for his age. He kindof had a rough start. He was born 6 weeks early, was in the special care nursery at the hospital for 2 weeks ( that means he wasn't bad enough to be in the real NICU but had to be monitored 24/7) He seemed pretty great but then we noticed he had a weird, flat shaped head on one side and refused to turn his head left. So now he wears this hockey helmet. He's had it since he was about 5 months old. He goes to physical therapy twice a week. It started off just being for his neck muscles. The therapist is now seeing him for gross mother delay. AKA lets whack out my mother syndrome. John wont sit by himself unless he's supported and only crawls lizard-like on his belly. I'm hoping all this is just because he chooses not too right now. Next month his neurologist wants him to have a muscle biopsy to make sure there's nothing really wrong. Along with a cat scan. I'm not capable right now to really dwell on that. I don't really let on to everyone that I'm really scared shitless about something being horribly wrong.....

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